Great stories have a personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Al-Memaar Al-Jameel Company for Real Estate Investment and Contracting
Developing the accounting system within the company and building a specialized system based on the Odoo system for calculating costs and following up on projects Amending the rental system within Odoo to be a special system for professionally tracking the rent of buildings and apartments and following up on all aspects of operations in terms of revenues, maintenance, and revenue costs.

Eleanor Pastries

Al-Hudhud Sea Shipping Company
Working to develop the human resources system and activate salaries within the company in accordance with Libyan law
Developing and monitoring the assets owned by the company and linking them to their recipients

Al Qafela International Comapny
Work on transferring and activating the company’s commercial history to the Odoo system, along with all previous financial and marketing transactions Developing a system to follow up on marketers and calculate sales percentages for each marketer according to company policy Developing a mobile application for marketers that contains the itinerary, inventory, issuing invoices and receipts, and linking it to the GPS system to follow the progress of movement and sales as they occur. Developing the accounting system and activating the human resources and payroll system within the company using the Odoo system
Al-Asaas Architectural Contracting Comapany
Modifying and building the structure of their own projects and work to track the projects and the work within them in detail to calculate the materials and quantities consumed. It also tracks achievement and builds a specialized timetable to evaluate the performance and implementation of each project.

Gesco International Company for Electrical Services
Upgrading the enterprise resources system from version 12 to version 15. Building a project follow-up system and the company’s abstracts are based on contracting laws and regulations, as major projects are based on the Libyan system

ALAYADY Marble Manufacturing Company
Modifying the manufacturing system in the Odoo system to suit the marble industry and creating a method for monitoring production with a plate numbered with a code that contains the details of the plate, including area, dimensions, production cost, and location, so that it facilitates the follow-up and manufacturing process. Building an innovative system for detailing and selling based on the customer’s specifications and dimensions. We also developed the system’s financial reports and processes and added thoughtful restrictions that contributed to the development of accounting processes.

Developing the accounting system and building a company-specific sales system to reduce congestion Developing purchases, adding demand levels, and dealing with different requests for multiple stores Developing and modifying the warehouse system within Odoo to suit the specificity of the company’s work

Tasfert Holding Company
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Al-Malam Company for Tourism Investment
Developing the accounting system within the company and building a specialized system based on the Odoo system in calculating costs and monitoring manufacturing within one of the companies that manufacture sweets. Building a unified budget system by the nature of the company as a holding company, under which a group of different revenues for various companies falls

Al-Fawaneas Company
Building an integrated commercial and accounting system, monitoring it and amending it periodically.
Developing a simulation system for reports and building indicators that were shared in several celebrations for the agent in Libya and in the parent company in France